Ostensibly, you would think this was a great idea: Identical twins eliminates the genetic issue, and they're MD's, so they should have approached this scientifically (please note I did watch the video clip but have not seen the documentary as of the date of this posting.)
If you read the story, please note two things:
- The low carb guy lost the most weight (9 pounds in a month)
- They never said if the low fat guy lost any weight at all
- Benign ketosis is required for fat loss (no ketosis = no fat loss)
- The ketosis caused by fat loss will not damage your kidneys
- Fat loss ketosis is not the same as diabetic ketoacidosis, which is damaging to the body
Also, the story makes a point of saying that the low carb guy was constipated and tired. Well, that is a short term situation that could have been managed or avoided if he consulted the works of his late colleague, Dr. Robert Atkins. This is a normal occurrence for people who go on low-carb weight loss programs. Typically, it's referred to as the Atkins Flu. You can wait it out, or you can drink more water and add a little salt to your food to fight these symptoms and the "brain fog" that may also occur. It hardly lasts more than a day or two in most circumstances. I can tell you that had Doctor followed the recommendations in "The New Atkins for a New You," which recommends foundation vegetables for fiber and high nutrient content, it is highly unlikely he would have experienced these symptoms.
At least this story admitted that the low carb diet produced the most weight loss, but it did so while subtly demonizing the method by pointing out some of its short term discomforts (fatigue, constipation). Ask yourself this: Is a day or two of constipation and fatigue better than constant gnawing hunger (as described by the low fat guy)? I bet the low fat guy lost little, if any weight. I wonder if they'll mention it in the documentary. I'll be sure to post! Meanwhile, if you're interested in the TRUTH about fat/weight loss, click on this link to a fantastic book by Gary Taubes!