Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Road Trip Travel Tips

Summer-ish weather and cheap(er) gas add up to ROAD TRIP!  With the warmer weather, we've already made some runs up the Red Arrow Highway into Southwestern Michigan. Soon more and more of us will be getting out of Dodge to de-stress and visit friends, families and see more of this great country. We've compiled some tips for healthier, more comfortable travel.

  1. Adjust your seat, headrest, and mirrors. This recommendation is particularly important to prevent driver fatigue, but is also necessary to properly support the spine and minimize injury in a collision. First, adjust your seat so that you are comfortably able to keep both hands on the wheel and operate the pedals with your back fully against the seatback. Second, the top of the headrest should be even with the top of your head. This is vitally important to reduce the chance of serious injury during front and rear collisions. Next, while sitting with your back against the seatback and head against the headrest, adjust your mirrors so you can see outward in this fully supported position.
  2. Drink water. This ubiquitous recommendation is especially important in all types of travel because traveling promotes dehydration. Downside: You’ll have to stop at the rest area more often. Upside: You’ll automatically comply with item 6!
  3. Open the windows. You’ve probably heard that the air inside your home is more polluted than the air outside. What kind of air do you think is circulating in the cabin of your car with 2 or more people and perhaps a pet?!! Even if it's hot or a little chilly, open a window for a minute or two to get fresh air into your car. 
  4. Put away the phone and/or tablet. There's a lot to see outside that's far more interesting than another story about another celebrity. Plus, the head down posture added to the vibration from the road will leech the water content out of the discs in your neck, leading to stiffness, pain, and spasm.
  5. Consider a neck pillow. If you're going on a particularly long drive, or you're one of those people who fall asleep quickly when riding in a car, consider a wrap around neck pillow to keep your head from falling forward or to the side. The last thing you want is waking up with a "kink" in your neck.
  6. Hit the breaks! Take the time to get out of the car, stretch, and walk around every 2 hours. This will prevent some of the muscle stiffness and static strain that comes from prolonged sitting and immobility. Movement also helps lubricate your joints and keep your discs hydrated.
So, hopefully these tips will make your next road trip more comfortable and enjoyable. If you find yourself wandering into Southwest Michigan, don't pass up the Swedish bakery in Harbert (cash only) or the Whistle Stop for a coffee (both on the Red Arrow Highway, Route 12)!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Three Techniques to Reduce Stress (and Pain) Now!

Let's face it: we live in a stressful time. There are myriad factors that contribute to our stress: work, family, bills, and our special treat this year: politics. Some stress is good, like the excitement before receiving an award or the upcoming wedding of your child. The problem really stems from chronic stress and our inability to come down from it. High blood pressure and trouble sleeping are two physical effects of chronic stress, but it does have another effect as well: the amplification of pain.

Stress amplifies pain not by intensifying the signal itself, but by making the perception of pain more noticeable in the brain. Much like we become irritable to stimuli that would normally be ignored, stress removes our ability to ignore pain signals. If the pain becomes overwhelming, it might trigger muscle spasm or a migraine. This, in turn, may increase stress!  It can become a vicious cycle.

The following techniques may help you manage stress more effectively. They can be done anywhere, but would be most effective in a quite place where you won't be disturbed.

  1. "2 to 1" breathing. This simple breathing technique is typically taught in yoga. It's simple to explain but often requires practice to do correctly: When you inhale, simply count how long it takes you to breath in, then, try to take twice as long to breath out. So, if it takes you three seconds to breath in, take six seconds to breath out.  This engages your diaphragm, the muscle that helps you draw air into your lungs. By slowing down the movement of the diaphragm, we activate the parasympathetic division of our autonomic nervous system. The parasympathetic division is responsible for "down time activities," such as eating and sleeping, as opposed to the sympathetic division, commonly referred to as "fight or flight."
  2. Visualization. Imagine yourself in the most relaxing environment you can think of. For some it's a tropical beach, for others it might be a mountain stream. Close your eyes and visualize yourself there, without any cares or concerns. Let any worries pass as quickly out of your head as quickly as they come. Not letting stressful thoughts infiltrate your mental vacation is the most difficult aspect of this exercise. It's a discipline to turn your brain off to the outside world, but it's well worth practicing.
  3. Progressive Muscle Relaxation. This is a stress management classic. Starting at either the top of your head or the tips of your toes, you will contract and then relax more and more of your muscles. For instance, if you start at your toes, contract just your toes for a few seconds, squeezing as much as you are comfortable with and then completely relaxing them. Next, contract and relax the muscles of your toes and your feet. Then, do the toes, feet, and ankles. Continue until you reach the top of your head. PMR makes you aware of where you are already tight, and what it actually feels like to relax.

Still can't relax?  You may need some help!  Consider massage therapy or acupuncture. As strange as it sounds, most patient report a profound sense of relaxation both during and some time after their visits. We've recently lowered our prices for massage and acupuncture, so it's a perfect time to try either or both!