Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Can Low Level Light Therapy Help You?

Musculoskeletal pain affects over 115 million Americans each year and results in over $600 billion in lost wages and productivity.  To most of us, it just hurts and we want to safely get rid of it with the lowest cost and fewest side effects.
Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) is a relative newcomer to the spectrum of treatments available for musculoskeletal pain. The use of light, specifically laser, to cause an effect on human cells was not described until 1967 (the first working red ruby laser was made in 1960). Studies describing medical use of LEDs on the International Space Station were published in 1999. Since then, over 400 double blind, placebo controlled studies have been published, and over 4000 laboratory studies have been completed.

Studies have supported the use of LLLT for:
  • sprains and strains
  • post-surgical pain
  • whiplash
  • muscular back pain
  • tendinitis and tendon surgery
  • osteoarthritis
  • frozen shoulder
  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • epicondylytis
  • carpal tunnel syndrome 
  • complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS, aka RSD, reflex sympathetic dystrophy)
In our office, we use the Celluma Pro low level light panel, pictured below:

This versatile device is flexible and emits the most effective wavelengths of light for musculoskeletal pain(640-880nm). The Celluma Pro has FDA clearance for:
  • Arthritis
  • Muscle spasm
  • Muscle pain
  • Joint pain
  • Muscle tissue tension
  • Diminished local circulation
  • Inflammatory Acne Vulgaris
  • Skin rejuvenation
Our patients are already getting great results with the Celluma Pro! Some of the conditions we've seen benefits with include: chronic knee pain, pain from muscle tears, chronic pain, complex regional pain syndrome/reflex sympathetic  dystrophy(CRPS/RSD), nerve pain, and diabetic neuropathy.

Because the Celluma Pro's therapeutic spectrum also promotes the formation of new collagen (640nm), important in the musculoskeletal repair process, it accelerates the healing process and may hold promote more lasting effects!

We are very excited to add the Celluma Pro to our arsenal of pain-fighting modalities! This relaxing treatment takes about 30 minutes and only costs $25! Experience the effect yourself by calling today to schedule an appointment!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Static Strain...What is it and what can you do about it?

We all experience it, stiffness and aching in the back, neck, or extremities from being in one position too long. Perhaps we were standing chopping vegetables at the counter, or standing at the controls of a machine, or sitting at the computer screen writing blog posts.  This discomfort is referred to as static strain.

Strain is a term that refers to extreme stress on a muscle (as opposed to sprain, which affects non-contractile connective tissue, such as ligaments). A muscle is usually strained when it is used too much or is put under an extreme load. Static strain occurs when that load is constant and unrelenting throughout the activity. Constant load promotes fatigue, because the blood flow to the muscle and tendon is reduced, the muscle does not get the required oxygen and nutrients, and waste products are not carried away. This process starts after a just a few seconds. The result is aching in the muscle, pain, and fatigue.

Experiencing this once in a while is probably not going to lead to any long term issues, but if there are activities that you do day in and day out that result in static strain, you may develop inflammation and cause irritation to nerves in the area.

So, what can you do about static strain?  Well, common sense would say, "Stop doing that and move." But what if you cannot because it's part of your job or you really need to get a certain task finished?  In some instances, small, frequent changes in position may ease the effects of static strain. For instance, standing in one place may be eased by simply shifting weight side to side. If possible, alternate putting one foot on top of a stool or an open cabinet. If you have the opportunity to take a 30 second stretch break, consider stretching whatever body part is strained in the opposite direction.  For instance, if you find your head bent forward with your arms out in front of you a lot, take a 30 second break and roll your shoulders backward (never forward) and bend your head back. This will relax the overloaded muscles and allow ligaments to snap back into place.
  • Make small, frequent changes in positioning.
  • Take 30 second stretch breaks every 15-30 minutes, or as needed. 
  • Stay well hydrated. 
  • Get sufficient, quality sleep, this is when most repair occurs.
If static strain is part of your daily grind, try these tips first. If the situation persists, consider getting in for treatment to control inflammation. Focused nutritional supplementation to control inflammation and promote soft tissue repair should be pursued as an ongoing strategy. Ligaplex II(TM) and Myoplus(TM) from Standard Process are good choices for static strain and repetitive use disorders. We now carry a new product, Chiroflex(TM), which is clinical strength turmeric. Research has shown that turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and may be helpful for a number of conditions. Patients taking turmeric have reported decreased joint pain within days of beginning a turmeric regimen.  Enzyme based anti-inflammatory supplements, such as Zymex II (TM) from Standard Process are another option. The enzymes contained in these types of supplements break down the proteins that promote excessive inflammation.

As always, our treatment and supplementation programs are designed to help your body heal itself without harmful drugs. If you struggle with static strain, give us a call today so we can help you start feeling better tomorrow!